Monday, October 23, 2006

Holiday Knitting


Ok, so the closer it gets to the holidays (or the f_in' holidays as my friends call it) the more I try to gauge how many presents I can knit in time. So far I have ZERO presents done. That leaves about 20 left. Right now I think I'm going to make all the guys the Swell hat on Knitty. I'm almost finished with one in blue and white stash yarn (Patons classic wool doubled on 8 needles).

Even though the gauge seemed right (4.5 per inch) the hat seemed small to me (I used the medium version for my nephew Frank's head). Plus the carry method of changing colors always makes the pattern area less stretchy. I also had to make it a little longer before I started the crown shaping. If all this fussing around makes a good hat, I'll make 4 more for the rest of the guys in different colors. I have some pumpkin and olive patons classic wool that I was going to make my Kurt Cobain sweater with, but opportunity knocks and I don't have any money to buy more stash.

I think the women are all getting arm warmers. There are piles of good patterns out there if you want to check them out. I made the first set for MB's birthday with Wool-Ease in a shiny white:

Mikado Fingerless Gloves

Snowball's Chance Armwarmers

Lion Cashmere Arm Cosies

Funky Punky Armwarmers

Supple Rib Knit Armwarmers (I like these)

Striped arm and leg warmers

Merino Stripes Gauntlets (that's a fancy medieval name for armwarmers!)

Patterned Armwarmers

Ribbed Armwarmer ($4 pattern)

Wacky Armwarmers

Faux Cable Armwarmers

ShitLoad of Armwarmers!!!

Everyone is getting these this year!!!!

take care, sue

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Working on a new look ...


I wanted to change the look of my site. It's still in progress but I think it has a cleaner, more cloudlike effect. Tune in for more soon.
