I have many vintage VK magazines and my oldest copy (from around 1945) has a classic argyle sock pattern, which those wartime wives made for their grey flannel-suited men when they came back from the war. My brother is a classic preppy and thought he would love a pair. So I went to a local yarn shop and darnit if I couldn't find any sock yarn with plain colors!! They were all the jacquard/fair isle/colorway stuff. I really wanted to get some tweedy fall colors. I ended up getting Rowan 4-ply soft in basic brown and 3 skeins of Rowan Cashsoft in light green, peach and blue. Since my socks needed five colors, I had a ball of Lanet in white that I used for the fifth color. Expensive, and I'm a little worried about the angora in the Cashsoft since my brother is allergic to furry animals.
So here is a horrid!!! cell phone picture of my progress so far which I mangled in photoshop to try and get the colors right. (i will try to get something better tomorrow). I'm using #1 double pointed needles but the argyle pattern is knit on two needles down to the instep. You start using five when you get to the heel and then later sew the back seam. I am also using self-made knotted bobbins of yarn for the color work. I found this technique in the Vogue Knitting Encyclopedia page 85.

I think I will post the directions for a free pdf download. The magazine was from the 40s so I hope that's not a copyright infringement. I'm not saying its my own work or asking for money. Is that OK?
take care, sue
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